Why do numbers get Flagged SPAM and SCAM?
SPAM flags are dynamic and can reappear.
To have the best chances at sustained number health and reputation, it is a combined effort. Your calling practices, the flagging algorithms, registration status and other factors can affect how your calls are viewed by the receiver. With Ring4 your number health and reputation is at the core of our business. Improve your connection rates with Number Health.
Factors that contribute to SPAM and SCAM flags:
- Your Calling Practices: How many calls you make a day, time of day, how many times calling the same number, type of dialer, where your numbers came from and more come into play. Ring4 will help guide you towards the best practices.
- Algorithms: The carriers and call blocking apps each create their own algorithms and triggers to determine when a number is flagged.
- Crowd Sourcing: People tagging your number as SPAM and blocking your calls can affect your flags.
At Ring4 we provide you the peace of mind knowing your numbers are being monitored, remediated and the correct information is being relayed back to you to fine tune your practices. When your number is flagged, there typically is a data record that our experts can interpret to determine if a flag is related to your call practice. Combined with our industry relationships and knowledge of proper registration, Ring4 is always a step ahead of the so you look good.
Daily monitoring with the major carriers, call blocking apps and others like the FTC allows insight to see when there is a problem, with what carriers, apps and why.
Remediation and Number Health Building: Ring4 knows who to talk to and what to say to validate your numbers and start building resilient phone numbers that resist flags and provide higher connection rates than those without Number Health.
Increase your ROI and answer rates with Ring4 Number Health.
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Your practices could be affecting your answer rates and spam labels. We can help identify issues and present ideas on improving your practices.
Why Ring4 Number Health?
Do you answer spam calls? Neither do your customers. There are a variety of factors that can go into why a number gets flagged as SPAM or SCAM Likely but the first step to fixing the mislabels is DETECTION. Next is expert remediation to dispute and repair the flags. Ring4 Number Health is always monitoring and automatically creating a repair ticket for our team. You can focus on your work and we make sure your number is healthy.
What can I do to limit labels?
Utilize Ring4 Number Health. Our team will properly register your numbers, scan and monitor against the major carriers, call blocking apps and aggregators to find any potential flags. If any flags are found we advise on potential issues that may be from your end and correct.
Why do I need Number Health after you fixed My Number?
Adverse call labels are Dynamic and can change based on the individual carrier and app algorithms and rules. Crowd sourced data, call practices like how many calls a day, time of calls, duration and many other factors. Having peace of mind knowing that the many ways your number can be disabled is not a mystery. Ongoing monitoring and remediation is the only way to ensure your numbers are clean and healthy across all the carriers, IOS and apps.
What if I have more than 1 number?
No problem, with Ring4 Number Health, all monitoring and unlimited remediation are included with your very low priced all in one plan. Just add another number.
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Don't call on Blocked or Spam Labeled Numbers!
Your business image is too valuable to look like shady.